Im reli goin down,pain till my spine,frm feet till spine.
Tell me,can it get any worst?? :(
sometimes,i tink after hvg this job,makes it quite hard fr me to hv some time of my own or time to hang out wif my frenz.
This seriously sucks! >.<
I saw alot of cuteeeee babies today ^^ <3
haiz,i dun reli kno if i can go on lk this ler....
I nid more time of my own,i dun stay young forever neh D;
Everyday smile! reli 38 de lar,no customer oso wan me to smile.
smile to de wall or air ah.dai lou??
U wan attract customer into ur cafe wif smile.
go find someone lk tiffany hwang ba :P
One smile,everyone rush into Zouk.lolx.
Im starting to tell myself,during working hours.
"andrea!you can do it! few more hours!c'mon!u can de!hwaiting!hwaiting!"
== time pass soooooooooooooooooooooo slow ler.
GOD HELP ME,pls...<3
u get a shoutout box la..easier to chat la..this is my