Gahhh!! it's been like what? 4 days of the happening, yet, the memory is still fresh like it's yesterday :)
Remember about my previous blog about meeting T-ara girls for their arrival in KLIA?
And Hyominnie waving to me? :) i finally manage to upload the video of her doing so.
For the first time, i got such fanservice from a famous kpop idol ^^
See how super sweet this girl is?? Right!
I melted seeing how she still waves to me although she has need to go, like FAST ^^ and lastly, Jiyeon also wave to me, directly to me :DD <3 even="even" happier.="happier." p="p">But nothing can be compared to all that happened on the day of 4th October 2012, a day which i will never ever forget :') really.
Shall we begin?
I was pretty upset why i didnt go for the showcase, because i seriously cant stop thinking about Hyomin T.T
I was off on the 3rd, quite upset that i cant go.
And then my friend, gives me the idea about sending them off, on the 4th, which is the day they will be leaving for Thailand small concert. I want to go desperately.
So i start texting T-ara fans, asking them what time is their flight, but none can give me an exact answer.
Most of them tell me, early in the morning.
But i wasnt giving up, i mean, like how many times a year can you see T-ara in person right!?
So, i posted about my determination of meeting them once again before they leave Malaysia.
Few of my friends said the same, so we start planning.
I came up with a plan, a very safe plan that i can assure to see T-ara again.
That is to go their hotel and follows them from a distance to KLIA.
I know i know, it sound so stalker-ish, but yeah, i did that and no, i didnt stalk them.
Not like some people == who stalk idols until using motorcycle to drive up to their van ==
Please, if you dont appreciate your life, dont put the girls life in danger! thanks!
My plan was brilliant *smirks* since their flight is in the morning.
I decide to wait at the hotel at 4am +.+ i know, sounded crazy.
you dont know how hard it is for me to get an acknowledgement from both my parents.
But because i was a good girl *COUGH* they allows me ^^
on the night before it happens, i cant sleep == i only manage to doze off at 12am and then around 1am, Seobang called me and said her dad dont let her.
So left me and my friend, Andrew.
At around 3am, i woke up right away and text him, afraid he might not be awake :/
Thankfully, he replied not long after that. So, i got myself ready.
I was too excited i forget the BEST POINT.
Let me introduce two characters to you ;)
Meet Rillakumma and Pink Piggy ^^ i got it on the day of my off day.
I heard Eunjung loves bear, so i wanted to get her something, all though she might not be my fav.
So, i bought this Rillakumma for her, is something like what i got for Tiffany Hwang last year.
A pillow and blanket folded inside :) cute right??
I wanted to get something for Jiyeon, but i was thinking, would she even take if i was to pass it to her?
And when i think about her, Hyomin pops up in my mind.
So, i look around the shop, because i had no idea what is her favorite toy.
Then something caught my eyes, this Pink Piggy (it's real name)
It caught my eyes because it was the one and only doll sitting there and i have never seen this doll anywhere before. Honestly, i took some time to pick something out for Hyomin.
But in the end, i pick this, i dont know why, just going according to my feelings :)
Okay, let's go back to 4th October 2012 ;))
We reached J.W Marriot at 5am sharp, waited by the road side in the car.
Is as quiet as hell :X but i was too anxious to feel like the time has stopped.
Finally, it was 5:15am, Andrew decide to get down from the car and walks to the bus, where it's right outside the hotel, we even feel suspicious about the bus! XD TROLL.
Thank God i was in my jacket, because is quite cold actually.
we saw two malay bus drivers standing there, smoking, Andrew asked is it they are waiting for someone.
The bus driver nod his head say they are waiting for T-ara's crew members :O
They say 5:30am. but wait wait wait. its 6am. still no sign.
Then i saw two white vans parked and i recognize one of it was the van from KLIA where T-ara arrived that day!! so i knew, they are about to come in anytime soon.
Silly us when we thought only the two of us were waiting, not until we walked into the hotel.
almost 8 of them are in there already XDXD
I had my two gifts in the pink plastic bag.
One hand clutching my phone tightly.
Is not an easy thing to do :X
Until.........i saw Soyeon getting out from the lift, my hands were trembling like crap ==
i panic! but manage to reach out for the big pillow for Eunjung.
All of them had their shades on, so is not easy to recognize them out :x
But of course i can recognize Eunjung-sshi ^^ i passed it to her. and she just.....took it...
Sadly, i didnt got that on tape, never mind :) i was after Hyomin after all.
But they were being ushered out of building by the guards hurriedly.
So i had no chance to spot out Hyominnie.
Rush back to the car and we waited by the road side for them to leave. It was 6am++
yet, they are still at the hotel. I have some feeling, Hyomin was the last to get out from the hotel :x
It was all good when we start following the van, well, we are not the only one.
There was one group of fans, riding Taxi.
and then another one is a father and son in another car, following T-ara too.
so, total is like the three of us.
But i told Andrew to go slower and not too near, because if we dont do that, it will just make T-ara nervous and uncomfortable :/ that's the least i want it to happen.
I think it took about 1 and a half hour to arrive at KLIA.
Andrew had to leave because his mother need to use the car.
:( awww.
When we reached KLIA, it was quite jammed.
So, Andrew ask me to get off car and walk to the gate, if i want to see them fast.
I listen, so i hold Pink Piggy in my arms and get off from the car.
A LOT OF CAR that is >< so i turned around and closes the car door.
Guess what, T-ara's van just right behind us!!!!!
I bet they saw how i ran across the road like a clumsy kid :/ im bad in crossing road.
Trust me, once, i almost knock a car, not a car hit me, but vice versa :X im blurr. i admit.
It was almost 7am++ but i wasnt there alone, many more fans were there.
I meet JY there also, because he too wanna meet my wife, Jiyeon.
My jacket is this ultimate bright yellow color, because i wear it the other way.
I flip it inside out.
Because on the other side, it written TAENY and GIRLS GENERATION.
But i met Shuhaila there, which is a SONE too :) who happens to love Jiyeon as well!
then i saw a big guy wearing SOSHIFIED shirt :D hahaha! means i am not the only one who is not Queen there :pppppp!!!!
Their van was parked not far from us, but they never get off right away, i think we waited almost half an hour. WHY? because the guards ordered more securities to be on duty >< LOL
Like almost 10++ of securities. They did the thing about securing around with their skinny arms, with the girls in the middle, when finally, the van door opens by manager oppa, fans got excited.
Hyomin was the first to jump off from the car and people were starting to go "ooooooooo~~~~"
and then i was like "kyaaa~ Hyomin ahhh" she turns to us, smiling and waving.
then ask us not to scream XD we did as she told, we become quiet but cheering softly.
Well, not everyone will apply that on to them.
People started to push me a little from behind, but i stayed strong on my ground.
I walk slowly, because i was waiting for one particular person ;)
At last, she came into my view, Hyomin was the last to go from the group, so she was behind, at the end.
I walked beside her and show her piggy calling her softly :X like a yeoja.
lol. my voice is normally, deep and rough, but i was like "Hyomin aaaa"
where the hell did that come from? I GOT NO IDEA.
One of the guard is super mean! he even covered my lens from filming o0o okay! dont be rude now :p
But i was too excited to even care..he pushed my doll away from Hyomin, i frowned.
and Hyomin was quite displeased, since i was one of her fans, she smiles, nodding her head and reaches out her hand, signalling me to give it to her. I was like "GOMAWO HYOMIN AAAA" and passes Piggy to her.
she hugs it close to her chest and i walked by her side :) remaining my calm.
while some people were actually screaming things like.
I was like, what the fuck is with you people == does that really satisfy you???
But then, they decide to be rude and i saw some people reaching out to touch Hyomin by her shoulders.
One girl were trying to break the group entry >< (that's what the fans told me)
The guard took hold of her and fling her across :X SCARY!
but manager oppa told the guards not to do that.
But the fan girl was too much anyway, honest.
I didnt get pushed or scold by the guards, because all i did was Hyomin ahh, Hyomin there XD
That's all, neither did i even reach out to touch her.
That's all, neither did i even reach out to touch her.
why would i do something that is disrespectful? why should i???
Then, there is guy (from Morocco, i'll tell you why later how i know where he's from)
Came up close behind me, he was handing out his T-ara album to Hyomin and asked for her signature.
She took the album hesitantly, but she was willing to sign.
Sadly, when she tried to open the marker cover, the guard snatches the album off from her and roughly passes it back to the boy :((
even i feel bad for him! the guard is too rude this time!
He was on the edge of aegyo pleading when he calls out for Hyomin again in disappointment.
Hyomin gave him eyes signal and they quickly passes the album!
the whole scene was cute but nope, i didnt got it on tape :x
She signed. and i was beside her the whole time ^^
But then, the marker was running out of ink and she was like showing her cute face,
saying there's not much ink, but she did signed it anyway :)
I reaches into my jacket pocket for my Sharpie, which were inside because i wrote a card for Hyomin and Eunjung :) i took it out. and then i realize, i got nothing for Hyominnie to sign D;
But then, i took out my phone and passes it to her :DD i said "hyomin~~~sign, jeballll~~~"
she took it, smiling, (she was walking really slow) and signed it.
GOSH!!! My hands were trembling weihhhhh~~~~ T.T i cant believe i have her signature!!!
I was so shock and scare and anticipated that i forget about my recording in the pocket :( my camera was left in there for a long time.
I manage to pull it back out and record before she checks in :)
I guess she recognize me since i was by her side all the time.
I ran to the front and guess what, i finally see the cute small size Boram!
hahaha! she was standing in the front at the middle.
She is shorter than me!!! but girl~~~ you need to eat!!
I cant help but to shout out, "BORAM KYUPTAAAAA"
she smiled shyly and replied something in Korean which i do not understand :/ because i want to see Hyomin again, i ran to the back LOL.
Watch the video above ^^ Boram is recorded, maybe some of you can tell me what she say?
:D hehehehe!
:D hehehehe!
As i was making my way back, i had to stopped because the fans were crowding, i look to my right side and Soyeon looks at me at the same time, i bows my head a little she smiles and waves and left.
Then Qri and Ahreum manage to wave to me as well when they see me bowing to each of them :X
they must be thinking i am one kpop freak! XD
When Jiyeon passes by, i said out loud "yahhh~ Jiyeon ahhhh~ nomu yeoppo"
But saddening part was when i said that, it sounded like i sang SHINee's Noona Nomu Yeoppo ><
she was about to crack up, but she bows and smiles, waving as she passes by me.
Oh yeah, Eunjung left my gift in the van i guess, cos she has no longer carry the Rillakumma pillow with her when she is in the airport. Gwenchana :/
We stopped at the check in, which is where only people with plane tickets only can enter.
I was feeling heavy in the heart when i see them about to leave.
I want to see Hyomin even longer if possible!
I stood by her side again and said Bogoshipo once, but i dont think she heard it.
and then i was like "Hyominnnnn.........Saranghaeeeee...."
She looks at me, smiling, and uses Piggy to wave at me (which you can see it later in the vid)
I was happy she knew whose the one gave her the toy ^^
and surprisingly, i wasnt shy to say out that i love her.
I mean, i dont just simply say i love someone. especially OUT LOUD. and i was the only one who said that to her that day >< embarrassing!!!
A fan passes his iphone to Hyomin to Selca. she did!!!
WOW!! ENVY WEIH!!! she is so sweet to do so! dont you think so?? hehehe!
And us being as a fan, runs to places that they will pass by.
Oh yeah, they were at ground floor and we were looking at them from an upper floor.
they stopped at one place to look at their passport, checking it.
I runs to the balcony and call out for Hyomin :) she looks up and we change eyes contact again.
she was smiling and using Piggy to wave at me as T-ara slowly leave and make their way to the check luggage terminal.
We ran into some certain quiet place, where we can see them lining up.
waiting for their turn to be checked.
I got some nice certain spot, to record them ^^ whereby, they didnt know at all.
that we are up there, because there are this huge soundproof glasses around us.
is useless for us to call or shout.
cos they really cant hear us, we tried.
They are definitely talking about Piggy.
I want to know D; !!!!!!! hahahaha!
Overall of the whole video, i realize, Hyomin quite like Piggy :D
Which makes me HAPPY of course ^^ i hope Piggy will have the luck to go back with her to Korea<3 p="p">
This simple request :)
Her Selca that day ^^ look at my Piggy :)) like a super star!!!
Hyomin put her glasses on for Piggy! CUTE!!! hehehehe!!!
Not long after that, Hyomin, Eungjung and Jiyeon realizes about us!
hahahah! who is up there, waiting for them :3
they start waving, i was so damn pleased, that Hyomin saw me AGAIN!!
so much personal love fan service from Hyomin to me!!!
Jiyeon checked in and was Hyomin's turn...look at her....
That frown :( im gonna miss you too, hyomin ahhhhhh~~~~
How i know she recognize me? well, she start showing me piggy again!
using piggy to wave to me ^^ i dont need to tell, the video will show you everything :D
Seriously, when it was her turn, to put down her bag and piggy as well, i can hear my heart, dropping to the ground :'( i miss her already. honestly. i am not being mushy and all, but i really miss her already.
how i wish i can see her more!!!
But all things good must come to an end, and i know we can meet again someday :)
The best thing she ever gave me?
how can i not love her?!?!? she did this curve hands into heart shape, towards me!
I fall hard for her >.> jinja..hyomin ahhh~ what have you done to me <3 .="." p="p">
I LOVE YOU TOO! if i was to have both hands free, but wasnt, i would've reply her with what she did.
watch the video ^^ you'll find her sweet too<3 p="p">
things ended and i was already missing her, but what is best?
I cant believe i have her precious signature :)
Pretty signature with a tiara in it :) mmmm!
This is one of my precious treasure....of course, i no longer use this cover and decide of wanting to frame this. Shall look for a frame for this, because a lot of people ask me to do so, before the signature fades D;
preserver worrrrr~ kekekeke! Thank you God, thank you Goddess Hyomin :)
Change to new cover :)
Oh yeah, i finally, for the first time, change my wallpaper to someone else which is not from SNSD
>< dont get me wrong, i am still a SONE, but...these few days, i am still stuck with Hyomin.
What to do :( Im in love :) nyahhahaahahaha!!!!
My Goodness x.x so pretty!
even my colleagues say so!! :D
Right? Right?
Ck was jealous though :p
and yet, this is still my wallpaper! hahaha! i love looking at it whenever i unlock my phone!
i even had a twitter account to follow her account >.> although all in korean.
So, i can tell you, overall, my life is GOOD.
whether is friends or colleagues or family :) things are running smoothly and well.
but the best is, we are all laughing together.
== BUT! ever since this Hyomin incident with me.
People around me, who knows what happened, said the same thing...
even my parents say so == jinja~~
no. honestly, i still love Tiffany the most.
Hyomin...ah, she's my first love for T-ara :D
so no. i am not changing my fav. Tiffany is my forever love y'all<3 p="p">
My Top 2! ^^
Nothing change, okay, Hyomin is on my Top 3 though :x hahahaha!
dont blame me for loving that sweet girl ;)
Wow, i blogged a long one today. *wipes sweats off forehead*
I am not feeling well from the past week already >.> fallen sick.
Sorethroat, flu, cough, nose stuck, headache, fever, stomach pain.
WOW! you guys seriously miss me, visit me at the same time >.> dammit.
thanks for reading ^^ byeeeee
P/S :
we might just start talking to each other, when i already know you a year before.
i dont know why you can be so insecure about things.
loving you is not just were words, those were mentally and physically true.
do you have anything say for yourself? you asked.
well yeah.
I still love you, lots and it keeps on increasing ;)
you do know how much cute you are whenever you frowns, makes me want to pinch your cheeks and nose!
but hey, although is cute, but just keep in your mind.
you always look better whenever you smile
I super love you!!
My bii and me >< really! everyday sure laugh laugh laugh~
what am i to do when he leaves me??
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