Forever A Sone Who Love Soshi

Forever A Sone Who Love Soshi

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Yes, a proud Sone here :) i was definitely breath taken away by them this time.
I've said it before, that T-ara always has ways to surprise people with their mixtures of concept.
Stated that how SNSD's concept can be predictable. IT WAS THE TRUTH okay -.- so dont come bash me, not that i care. I am a huge fan of theirs, so i can accept and wont hide the truth.
But with their latest concept, can i just say how i am totally surprise and impressed by their new concept !
Gosh!! is so not them!! :) but is a good thing, did i say good? okay, i meant to say GREAT (y) ;)
This actually made me feel proud and not regret that i am a SONE.
Truth to be told. I am very hook with Taeyeon in the MV :x she's so HAWT! like, a dork like her!!
she can turn into sexy just in a blink of an eye ^^ Taeyeon ahhhh~~~
then we have Jessica, gosh~ that doll face girl, no wonder she has won the spot of number 5 for the most beautiful woman in the world (y)
XD that's the girls i adore, that is the reason, they are they, they can be as crazy as they can and they dont mind showing how silly and babo they looks like !!! XDXDXD Laughed so hard when i saw thi, look at my Tiffany and Taeyeon *shakes head* the dorks shidae!! (y)

But of course, my wife never fails to impress me, my rapper hwang is back in the album :)

Been rather busy lately. 
Stiff neck, constant headache ~.~ just take me already, God T.T
I could've attend GDA if i wanted to, but nah, so many reasons to NOT go..
My wife wont be attending as i was informed earlier ;) (thanks) and watching them get on and off stage taking awards, BOYA~ anniyo.
Hopefully, i can catch up with T-ara again in the airport! Will you remember me, Hyomin-sshi? <3 p="p">
Gawd! I miss the T-ara girls! This time i want to personally greets Areum :) the last time i was busy walking around, looking for Jiyeon and Hyomin, she smiles to me and nod her head eventhough i was screaming for Hyomin and i-just-left I KNOW! how rude == but i was busy looking for my bias okay~

I want to see SNSD :(
I dont know when and how, but i was somehow, being made to like PINK (?) and she's the reason behind it. Dont believe so?

See my tablet cover over there? The other day i was looking around and the guy took this out to show me.
Seeing how sweet the pink is, immediately bought it with no second doubt, not even asking how much the price is -.- Tiffany~ what have you done to me? LOL.
Look at my newly bought Lacoste purse, it's PINK too -.- HEOL~~~~
i am indeed liking pink now, i admit. Hehe! see how cute Jessica is on my tabby :)) at least i am being fair right? I have Tiff, Tae and Jess, with me every single day :3

Yes, i've bought the album ._. why that face?
Yes, i've bought my wife and mistress albums :x i dont collect album, really. unless i find them attractive enough to attract me :3 smart SME, selling SOLO covers but with same songs inside (y) nice way of sucking our money :X now i left Taeyeon's one to be purchase soon (i hope)
This is the first time i buy 2 albums in one day. Thanks to my korean buddy.
"you sure you dont want Jessica? she's the last one i got here~ if you dont, i will just sell her to someone else, you willing?"
Okay, i fall for his idiot trap! yes, i am idiot enough. But also, thanks to my byun mind, i grab hers as well.
I mean come on *cough* who would want to miss out on such sexy drooling album cover? Is JESSICA JUNG we are talking about, COME ON!! XD
Taeyeon ah~ my girlfriend, wait for me, alright? I'll get you soon when you are in stock :)

I went to the black shop in time square few weeks ago, then i saw something hanging on top of the shop wall. I remember seeing it some where cos it's really familiar so i ask the shop owner, did Taeyeon use the bag before, he said no, he said Leeteuk use it before. But the bag is really damn cute, so i finally bought it with no hesitation :)
See~ cute isnt it? So irresistible!!
So when i went home, i search the internet and no doubt, i didnt forget wrongly
Muahaha! i remember i saw this from Running Man and Tae was using it :)
so glad i grab the last bag in the shop :) Hehehehe!!!!

Sad thing that i cant buy posters anymore, if i want, i can only keep it. My wall. No space.
Enough said huh? LOL.
My Fany Zone :)
Muahahahahaha! Me Love Her! Me Love These!

Look at this!
Me and Junyi went to Minarae, if im not mistaken :) NICE
thumbs up ler! is really nice :D and they even on K-pop Concert on TV for us ^^ real korean owners!
Go again? Sure (y) wanna try other stuffs :)

Sadly, when i was maknae wasnt feeling very happy :(
and me, me no good at cheering people, cos i will panic...that's me >.< so what i do?
Early in the morning when she greets me.....
i will reply her with this...

Is not easy to draw inside of your phone kay -.- dont believe? you try so.
well, i just hope she will at least laugh at it when she saw the sms i sent to her, at least, a second of her frown is off her face, means i manage to make her smile (laugh) in whichever way, it satisfy me.
Maknae! dont forget, no matter how dark your world can be, you still have US.
You have your family, you have Ben, you have ME, you have your friends, you have TaeNy.
So many people cheering and be there for you.
I'll never leave you in the dark <3 p="p">Love you :)

Anyhow, get ready for the trouble that the girls are bringing for this new year ;)
once again, they'll dominate!
wish i can stay longer to blog more, i know, my blog is starting to collect spider webs :/
but, i have a date with this guy who called me up and say "can you come my house? i make steak for you to eat" :) my adorable 4years old boyfriend ;)

Im off!

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